SensorPrints™ is the industry’s only end-to-end Internet of Things data authentication platform for lowpower wireless sensors. SensorPrints authenticates data by issuing a unique fingerprint for each device within the IoT. Data is secured from the point of generation to the point of consumption. Easy to install and use, SensorPrints is the definitive IoT security solution for any enterprise.
SensorPrints authenticates data at both the point of generation and consumption, creating trust between the sensor and server levels. Implementing 256-bit SHA3 authentication, SensorPrints creates a “fingerprint” for a Monnit Wireless Sensor that contains an authenticated sensor message. When data is transmitted from the sensor, it is accompanied by a generated authentication token. Upon receipt by the application, the token is evaluated via cryptographic hash function against a unique per sensor secret key. This step provides an unprecedented level of full-coverage security for any Monnit user wishing to secure their IoT devices and data.
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