Internet of Things Intersection

Where the IoT Trends and Businesses in 2022 Connect
We’re off and running with IoT in 2022. But let’s press pause for a moment to consider what IoT trends we can expect to see this year. Could 5G growth, cybersecurity, AI, or wearables be IoT trends in 2022? They could, depending on which expert you ask. It’s good to let industry experts analyze what’s been happening in various sectors and help set our expectations for the near and distant future possibilities.
Overall, business intelligence leaders like IoT Analytics, Gartner, Statista, and Business Insider expect more than 30.9 billion IoT devices worldwide by 2025. In 2020, IoT-connected devices globally reached 11.7 billion, according to these same analysts.
Of course, estimates and predictions even among experts vary. But they all agree companies’ plans to invest in IoT solutions are accelerating. So what are some of the biggest IoT trends for 2022? Read on to find out in this article from Forbes.
The Five Biggest Internet of Things (IoT) Trends in 2022
Today, just about any device we use in our homes, offices, factories, or simply wear on our bodies can be online and connected, hence the internet of “things.”
IoT is a trend that is driving the ongoing digitization and datafication of society in many new and amazing ways. Self-driving cars, autonomous manufacturing robots, and remote medical devices that let doctors diagnose patients and even carry out surgery are all possible due to these networks of connected things. In fact, Ericsson predicts that by 2022, there will be around 29 billion of these devices connected to the internet globally. So let’s take a look at what are likely to be some of the most important drivers and innovations in this field during 2022:
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Monnit invites our partners and customers to share their unique applications or case studies with us about how they’re using Monnit Sensors. We all know that Monnit’s ALTA® Temperature Sensors can monitor refrigerator and freezer temps—that’s pretty standard stuff. But how are you deploying a Monnit Temperature Sensor that you think is unique to what you do?
If your submission is accepted, our marketing team will reach out to you to profile the application in greater detail. We’ll send you a Monnit hat and T-shirt for participating in this effort, and your case study or generic use case will be featured on Monnit.com and social media channels.
To start, click here and fill out this short “How We Monnit” form with a brief description of your unique application of Monnit Sensors. Good luck! Thank you in advance for participating.
Vertical Market Focus

A Remote Beehive Sensor Hard at Work on the Farm
Dr. Henry “Hank” Svec needed a sensor to measure temperature and humidity in beehives on his Wild Flower Bee Farm.
The test: Could the Monnit ALTA® Humidity Sensor that also measures temperature detect and report those climate conditions while he’s comfortable inside his home office approximately 1,500 feet away?
In his short video, “This Monnit Sensor is Honeybee Perfection,” on his Hank Live at the Hive YouTube channel, Dr. Svec shares excitedly shares the result of his Monnit Sensing Solution. Hear him explain whether the sensor can send him data from beehives at the far reaches of his farm, over hills, behind trees, and more while he monitors bees from his home.
Get a great look at Hank’s farm and hear him briefly describe his unique use case for an ALTA Sensor and Gateway.
In late 2019, he and his wife Mary turned their 50-acre cash crop farm in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, into a bee sanctuary. They created Wildflowerbeefarm.com to chronicle the farm’s transition, along with the progress of setting up new beehives, in weekly videos. The couple also leads the Bee Science Club.
IoT Insights

What People Are Saying About the IoT
Managers of aquaculture communities or fish farms, wild fishing companies, and fisheries need technology to work 24/7 to help them solve problems and keep up with global demand. Fish farming and fishing are both inherently challenging and, at times, unpredictable.
These businesses need to predict equipment maintenance and environmental condition performance. It can also be difficult for fish farmers to monitor fish growth, so they may overfeed and overcompensate for environmental threats.
That’s why many aquaculture and fisheries deploy IoT technology to boost production with real-time data about water quality, temperature, fish health, and feeding patterns. These businesses are also adding artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and computer vision applications to transform the process and sustainability of fish farming.
Click a link to the article below that gives you the top ways wild fishing, sea, and land-based fish farms can reap the ROI of IoT solutions.
Five Ways IoT and AI are Changing Fisheries and Aquaculture
Globally, wild fishing, sea, and land-based fish farms benefit from IoT technology and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies are helping to safeguard global food security, ensuring practices are economical and sustainable. Here are five ways that IoT is changing aquaculture.
Tech Tip

Time’s Ticking Away to the AT&T 3G Sunset
February 22 will be here before you know it when AT&T’s 3G network shuts down. If your IoT sensor network’s on an ALTA 3G Gateway with an AT&T data plan, you need to upgrade to an ALTA 4G LTE Gateway to stay connected.*
Please read “The Countdown to the End of 3G Continues” to know which ALTA 4G LTE Cellular Gateway is right for you.
AT&T is shifting more resources to its 5G network. The carrier continues to notify customers that they must upgrade to at least a 4G LTE-enabled device before its 3G network shuts down.
The end of 3G is coming for every cellular device customer—no matter the carrier. So now’s a good time to look at the connected devices your business owns and plan your path to more advanced cellular networks.
Connect to a 4G LTE cellular network with our ALTA 4G LTE Gateway. Please call and talk to a Monnit Sales Representative today at 801.561.5555 or email the sales team at info@monnit.com.
*Applies only to ALTA 3G Cellular Gateways in the United States. 3G gateways deployed internationally are not affected.
IoT Webinars

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