Internet of Things Intersection

Where the IoT and Strong Data Security Should Be
With so much at stake, data security in the Internet of Things (IoT) must prevail. Sensor data is one of your most valuable assets and deserves the strongest protection considering ongoing threats and confirmed breaches.
Before we share our recent favorite articles about IoT security, we’d like to remind you that at Monnit, IoT data security is always a top priority in everything we do. We work to ensure your IoT data stays protected—everywhere it goes—from the sensor to the gateway to iMonnit.
Our ALTA Sensors and Gateways are purpose-built through a multi-layered, security-by-design approach with proprietary unreadable firmware and regular updates so that you can steer clear of evolving threats. We add a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) plus robust encryption and authentication layers to all of your sensor data transmissions, including:
- The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm and 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128) Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) symmetric key encryption
- A blanket of web server and browser protection from 256-bit Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.2) encryption
On top of these data encryption standards, we also offer the industry’s only end-to-end IoT sensor data authentication platform—SensorPrints™. The IoT security solution provides 256-bit Secure Hash Algorithm 3 (SHA-3) data authentication using a unique fingerprint or token. Each Monnit IoT device and iMonnit share a fingerprint to secure IoT data from its generation through consumption.
This month, two articles, along with the one in our IoT Insights section below, help frame what we’re up against from the IoT threat landscape. All three articles also provide opinions from security experts about what you can do to stay vigilant against these IoT vulnerabilities.
Take some time to review:
CRN talks to tech executives and engineers about some of the biggest IoT security challenges in the industry and how organizations can try to overcome them. See 5 Big IoT Security Challenges (And How to Overcome Them).
As the risks of connected devices increase, organizations must evaluate and strengthen their product protections with training, pen testing, and device maintenance plans. Read IoT security: Development and defense.
Vertical Market Focus

Can the IoT Really Make College Life Better?
The answer lies in the story of how dormitory resident assistants and maintenance managers helped college students feel at home.
How’d they do it?
With IoT sensor solutions working behind the scenes throughout their dormitories, university housing managers improved energy efficiency and student comfort. Before that, the university had several challenges to overcome to provide a college-living experience that appeals to today’s students.
Click here to read how a prominent university optimized dormitory performance with help from the IoT to keep students comfortable and satisfied.
IoT Insights

What People Are Saying About the IoT
It’s easy to see that IoT security will remain a constant concern as the matter continues to capture headlines and bad actors find new ways to breach IoT data. Here’s an informative article that provides a foundation for setting your IoT security strategy, expanding the IoT in your organization, and combating cybersecurity risk.
Understanding the Basics of IoT Security
When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT), what you don’t know can hurt you.
Organizations of all sizes are rapidly escalating their use of IoT devices for a wide range of business benefits: to reduce costs, improve operations, leverage big data analytics, accelerate digital transformation or, in most cases, to achieve all of the above.
Research tells us that last year alone, there were 7.6 billion IoT devices; this number is expected to grow to 41.6 billion by 2025. As an executive, you can’t afford to ignore IoT. You should embrace it as a powerful force for innovation and disruption. But you must also keep your eyes wide open to the risks. IoT can be a potential nightmare if you don’t take the proper steps to build the right cybersecurity foundation and framework.
Tech Tip
How to Renew Your iMonnit Premiere Subscription
In a little more than a minute, we share the steps to take to renew an iMonnit Premiere subscription.
Watch this short video tutorial that will quickly walk you through the annual renewal process.
Once you click on Settings in iMonnit’s main menu, you’re off and running to complete three quick steps. Before you know it, you’re all set for another year with iMonnit Premiere.
Take a look to be ready to renew.

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