A Message from Monnit
Its impact on business is the tip of the iceberg. Child care. Grocery shopping. Not one aspect of life is untouched. Monnit’s offices across the globe recognize this. Our hearts go out to the families and communities coping with fallout and loss.
We’re in this together today, tomorrow, and we’ll be here for the better times ahead.
Monnit’s global headquarters in Salt Lake City are bustling. Production is churning out hardware. Engineering is readying innovations. Sales and support are answering questions. And this is all because Monnit Wireless Sensors are essential to mission- and care-critical applications (see in the application below). Our sensors run behind-the-scenes at federal institutions and armed services, as well as cancer treatment centers, hospitals, and pharmaceutical production.
To ensure Monnit continues tracking vital inventory and safeguarding critical processes, our operations made deep purchases in early winter. Our administration is solidifying plans to ensure your calls, emails, and chats will continue being answered as this situation unfolds.
When the world turned its gaze to healthcare, we were here. When a 5.7 magnitude earthquake shook our headquarters on March 18th, our support for you was uninterrupted.
And we’ll be here, ready to help you create a brighter future.
SensorPrints Debuts to Redefine IoT Security

Debuting to an industry rife with security challenges, SensorPrints™ sparked tremendous global interest (35,600+ media professionals engaged with the platform’s press release).
This interest is because Monnit’s SensorPrints is the only end-to-end Internet of Things data authentication platform for low-power wireless sensors.
SensorPrints’ Operation:
SensorPrints creates trust between the sensor and server levels in three steps:
- At the point of generation, SensorPrints “fingerprints” each Monnit Wireless Sensor that contains an authenticated sensor message via 256-bit SHA3 authentication.
- Data transmission from the sensor is accompanied by a generated authentication token.
- At the point of consumption, the token is evaluated via cryptographic hash function against a unique per sensor secret key.
SensorPrints surpasses legacy IT security standards, giving enterprise CTOs and business owners the full-coverage security needed to deploy new IoT technologies.
SensorPrints Features:
- Security via 256-bit SHA3 authentication
- Source-generated data verification at the application layer
- iMonnit integration for rapidly deploying a trust-based solution
- Reseller-ready through the Monnit IoTvantage™ partner platform
- Open sensor data via the Monnit MINE™ platform for aggregators (e.g., Amazon Web Services or Microsoft® Azure) or in-house IoT platform
Click now to learn more about securing your Internet of Things. Then call 801-561-555 or email info@monnit.com.
Seasonal Monitoring Needs
Recent News
Mar 19th, 2020 - Monnit’s New Edge Gateway Elevates Sensor-to-Server IoT Security
Mar 11th, 2020 - Monnit Redefines Internet of Things Security with Release of SensorPrints
Feb 20th, 2020 - Monnit Releases iMonnit HX for Fast Sensor Data Reporting
Feb 07th, 2020 - Monnit Debuts Always-On Wireless Tilt Detection Sensor
Jan 31st, 2020 - Monnit Releases All-New Enterprise IoT Software
Jan 28th, 2020 - Monnit Launches All-New Express 4.0 Software
What's New
All-new Edge Gateway Elevates Sensor-to-Server IoT Security

Heralded by tech media as a tool to “help customers make sense of data,” the ALTA® Advanced Edge Gateway demonstrates Monnit’s security leadership. Edge Gateway aggregates data from Monnit Wireless Sensors, authenticates it, and transmits to any cloud provider, such as Amazon AWS.
Beyond security, the Edge Gateway couples MQTTS with the industry’s broadest sensor range to make deployments more agile and productive by decentralizing data processing. Benefit from:
- Spontaneous analytics
- Instant action based on metrics
- Support for enhanced situation-based applications
In-the-Field Data Authentication:
The Ethernet-based Edge Gateway “fingerprints” incoming data via cryptographic validation stamp. Authenticated data is then transmitted to a cloud broker (or multiple brokers) in a standard format. Additionally, integrated macros allow data configuration in virtually any format, like JSON or XML.
ALTA Edge Gateway Features:
- Security — Data authentication via unique cryptographic validation
- Scalability — One gateway accommodates up to 100 wireless sensors
- Robust processing — Linux® UBUNTU™ single-board computer with a 32-bit ARM
- Configurability — Web interface for sensor configuration and MQTT broker designation
- Redundancy — Data transmission to multiple cloud providers or MQTT servers for uninterrupted reliability in the event of server failure
Study the specs, and then let’s discuss how you can benefit from sensor-to-server security: 801-561-5555 or info@monit.com.
BACNET Online Roundtable Discussion

Monnit partners are invited to join a discussion on Tuesday, April 7th, at 9:00 am MDT covering the BACnet protocol. A few of the topics we would like to cover during this conversation and discovery session are:
- Implementation of BACnet in your applications
- The aspects of BACnet that are most important to you
- Your industry preferred toolsets
- Shared network resources
- Other points or recommendations
April Web Special

What People Are Saying

“First-rate company. Products work very well. Economical costs. Wide range of sensors. Outstanding customer service and support!”
Wise MFG
Looking to the Future
Final Call: Seeking PoE Beta Testers

Help “dot the i and cross the t” for our latest upcoming IoT innovation: Power over Ethernet Sensors.
Users managing mission-critical applications in healthcare and finance have requested economical sensors that seamlessly integrate into Ethernet infrastructures.
Engineering has responded and would like your input in finalizing the PoE Sensors.
- Early build product will ship out April 10th; deploy and use until April 24th.
- Monnit testing guidelines will help you evaluate the sensors.
- After April 20th, we’ll seek feedback.
Beta testers helped finalize the award-winning Advanced Vibration Meter, and the lauded Advanced Edged Gateway. Let’s work together to continue leading the industry!
Sign up by calling 801-561-5555 or emailing info@monnit.com.

Critical Monitoring for Labs & Hospitals
Establishing and maintaining an academic research lab is costly. Construction costs range from $350–500 per square foot before budgeting for specialized equipment, personnel, and consumables. In all, establishing a lab starts around $1.5 million for one guided by junior faculty; costs eclipse $3 million for a lab directed by senior faculty. While seemingly a princely sum, principal investigators will tell you it’s a pittance compared to the lives improved—or saved—via groundbreaking research.
Globally, private and academic labs of every discipline are diverting resources to battle COVID-19.
Examples include bioengineers delving deep into microfluidics for medicine delivery, and material scientists partnering with additive manufacturers to produce viable consumables, like face shields, rapidly. This seismic shift is placing incredible pressure on lab and facility managers to ensure reliability, equipment health, and prevent simple mistakes from stopping progress. Maintenance is no small task—many research departments have 4,000+ pieces of equipment in labs scattered across buildings or entire campuses.
Read below how Monnit helps:
Need: Cold Storage
Solution: Temperature Sensor with Probe
Experimental drugs
Automatically capture minute temp differences between standard and experimental drugs. Assists with preparing formulas for field trials, eventual production, and administration.
- 21 CFR Part 11B compliance streamlines audits.
Need: Continual Updates
Solution: iMonnit HX
Quicker sensor heartbeats identify subtle (yet harmful) temperature variations.
- Establish and reinforce protocols to protect vulnerable materials.
Need: Clean rooms
Solution: Differential Air Pressure Sensors
Monitor pressure
- Reduce contamination risks for labs or pharmaceutical production.
Need: Protect samples & consumables
Solution: Open-Closed Sensors
Security & integrity
- Know when storage or valuable areas are properly secured. Be alerted when they're accessed.
Need: Power supply reliability
Solution: Wireless AC Current Meter
Power loss
- Halt spoilage caused by human error, such as someone tampering with power strips.
- If power draw changes, maintenance may be needed or failure is imminent.
Globally, Tier 1 research universities, hospitals, and private labs rely on Monnit Wireless Sensors.
How can sensors that protect the invaluable and irreplaceable secure your facility, inventory, or processes?
Take a look, then contact us: 801-561-5555 | info@monnit.com
Remote / Joint Sales Calls

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Monnit Corporation | 801-561-5555 | monnit.com